Sunday, January 18, 2009

Arnold Sol: Archmage Extraordinare!

Welcome curious readers to the first of many issues of “Arnold Sol: Archmage Extraordinare!” we begin with the story of our young hero (editor's note: me!).

Arnold comes from a very strict home where adventuring and general fun was not encouraged. He was always expected to take over the family farm and settle down outside of Brindol. However when he met a traveling bard at the age of thirteen his entire life changed. The bard had novelized some of his works to make a living and Arnold used the little money he had to buy the book. The book was called "Epic Adventures!: The Amazing Adventures of Congo Red and the League of Justice". The novel outlined the League of Justice's (LoJ) dealings with demons, dragons, underdwellers and other evil-doers. One character in particular stood out for him - Dagda Lug, the group's arch-mage. Self assured, powerful, and incredibly smart Dagda Lug was everything Arnie wanted to be.

When Arnie was old enough he left the farm and went to Brindol Academy on a scholarship. He spent all of his time studying becoming the top student in his class and even surpassing some of his teachers. He had one other hobby other than studying though. He spent time around town asking any adventurer and adventurer-types if they knew anything about Congo Red and his team. Much coin was spent buying rounds for washed up knights and former big-city town guards who said that they had met the legendary group. Arnie believed every word. When he heard that a Congo Red store was opening up in town he visited the build site everyday just to learn more about the place. Finally he is meeting up with a group of adventurers for a meal at a local tavern. A halfling hero who had mentioned meeting the LoJ has invited him for drinks and since it is his graduation day he might as well meet one last time before he leaves Brindol for adventure.

Arnie is a little obsessive and gullible about aventuring and life in general. He thinks that the entire world works like the farm, the Academy or "Epic Adventures!". He trusts surface appearances and doesn't really look into details of a situation. If it looks like a Big Bad Demon it must be a Big Bad Demon. He also trusts his instincts, they have helped Dagda Lug in his adventures so he should be no different. His motivations are to prove that he could join the LoJ if it was still around and to find out more about the group or eventually meet Dagda Lug. Lastl, one of Dagda Lug's traits was that he was mysterious and exotic. Arnie tries to be the same but usually fails.


  1. I look forward to reading more colourful accounts of the adventures from Arnie.

  2. Yes I wonder what the league of justice is doing now. Those stories are as you said at least 10 years old. Much has happened since then :)
