Friday, January 23, 2009

Emtih's Journal

Hmm... so I'm here ag'in to write about .. something.. I don't know why I even bother writing anything in this at all but it gives me something to do while I wait for the childr'n to catch up.

I swear this is almost as bad as the times that I was escortin' the town guard thro' the woods. Here I am tryin' to focus on tracking a hobgoblin raiding party to its lair and the rest of the group is actin' like a bunch of townies after a few drinks at the tav'rn. That young magic fella, umm... Arn, Arnie .. yeah, something like that, first Arnie, then my Eladrin friend And, and even that halfling Korn (Corrin? Oh I dun know anymore) start passing out and asking for a break. Do they think the hobgoblins are goin'ta slow down and wait for us? Get off y'ur butts and g'it goin'! I'm only askin' them to march thro' the hills and climb mountains for 8 hours in a day, I dun think that's unreasonable.

Oh wait, maybe I should say why we're tracking the hobgoblin raiding party and where to. Well, the day after the hobgoblin raid on the townies, some hot shot town councilman calls a group of us into his office. No steel, barely even a thank'ye for all the killin' we done did. But he tells us to g'it going and rescue some people and stuff tak'n by the hobgoblins during the raid and then we'll get some steel.

I figure, if it'll get me the chance to slice a few more hobgoblins, I'm all fer it.

So we get ourselves ready and get some more information about where the hobgoblins are hidin' and set out that evening. Apparently they're hidin' in some castle up in the mountains or somethin'. I figure doesn't matter where they're hidin' or who they is hidin' with, I'll kill them nonetheless.

Oh right, that reminds me. Last night in the woods we set up some pickets to watch ov'r the camp while we slept. In the middle of the damn'd night And comes over and wakes me up to check on some rustlin' they heard in the brushes.. well.. turns out it was just a hungry and easily frighten'd coyote. I swear, its like none of these fellas ever liv'd in the woods before. I'd hate to see the ruckuss a pack of squirrels would'a caused had they stampeded by the camp while those fellas were on watch.

I can understand these fellas being a little paranoid about a hobgoblin attack durin' the night, but lets not get carried away here.

Well.. the group is just abouts caught up to me. We're almost to this castle thing so if this journal comes to a sudden conclusion, well.. whoever finds this probably already has figur'd out what become of us.

Emtih Tnod, 13 Freyja

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