Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Emtih's Journal

Well, I tell'ye that could have gone better.

We manag'd ta sneak our way into the castle alright, avoiding the sloppy watchmen fairly easily. When you're perch'd on top of the highest tower in a castle, its a might difficult to miss a large group as big as ours, but the hobgoblins on watch were quite inept. As I expect'd, their position left a blind spot 'round back that we used to sneak closer in. Typically, Arnie would've said something about how 'the League of Justice' woudla done it this way, but perhaps he was tired from all that walking and didn't say nuthin.

So into this decrepit ol' building inside the castle we went. Sneaking abouts the place we found some books that Arnie decided to borrow and more importantly, some tunnels that lead down beneath the ruin'd castle. After walkin' down some stairs we finally gets to this heavy wooden door, and wantin' to know if there be some hobgoblins on the oth'r side I put my ear to the door and listen'd real good. Fate smiled on me and I heard well and good the sound of hobgoblin voices. I dunno how I did it even, I probably shouldn't have been able to hear them.

Tryin' to get a closer look at the room we slowly open'd the door, the hinges creaking loudly and warnin' the hobgoblins of our arriv'l. So out I run hackin' and slashin' at a hobgoblin in the corridor, but he was a might tougher than some of the others we've faced and though I'm sure I landed a few solid hits, he didn't fall. The others were right behind me but soon, we got ourselves stuck in a bottleneck of sorts, unable to advance as there were lots of hobgoblins blockin' our way and under fire from these two archers in behind the rest of 'em.

The fight got a mite confusing and the one hobgoblin I was fightin' had a delayed death of sorts. My blade had severed him from life but he still liv'd on for a bit before his body realized it was dead. With him out of the way, I went after the arch'rs only to get myself shot up pretty bad, but Corrin came up beside me a'yellin' that no one every won a war by dying for his country, but won that war by making the other idiot die for his. I don't know how, but hearin' him say it inspired me ta finish the battle.

After the battle ended, And went about turning off a trap that one of the hobgoblins had trigger'd while the rest of us rested a bit. These hobgoblins were a tricky bunch. They had a pretty damn'd good defence plan and we fell right into it. Someone must be directin' these hobgoblins cuz they ain't smart enough to do something like that.

I don't like waiting here for any amount of time, feels like we're sitting ducks... I should go check on the others, I'll write more once we get deeper.

-Emtih Tnod, 14 Freyja

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