Friday, February 20, 2009

Emtih's Journal

This is going to haf to be brief cuz I gots m'self pretty badly beat up.

Following this dwarf's advice, we went into this room with a big blue magic thingy which allowed a ochre jelly to ent'r the room and fight us. I was in the rear tryin' to give cover fire but then I was attack'd from behind by this weird ghostly thing. Bassha and Arel did a good job killin' the jelly, but the ghosts kept going invisible on 'em. So Arnie started throwing his magic around and blasting parts of the room where I thought they had run to.

The next room contained a couple of gnomes tryin' to hide in the shadows.. fortunately And had popped a sunrod and there was no where for them to hide. Chargin' into the room we made short work of one of 'em, but the other two went runnin' away. We gave chase, but once again, I got ambush'd, least this time Arel was with me. These fire elementals came bursting through a side doorway and got me and Arel bad. And used her magics pounded one into nothingness in short order. It was a good thing too.. I have this feeling that in a few more seconds I would have become more roasted than a pig on a spit.

I don't remember much of the battle oth'r than that, but I lost sight of Corrin for a bit, although I could still hear his war cries, screaming 'I have yet begun to fight'. Well, that's news to me, I had hop'd he would have been fightin' all along.

Its my own fault, I should have known better than to have gotten ambushed twice. But, I don't think I can go any further today, I need to lie down. Thinkin' back, I've gotten close to death before during my huntin' trips, but never this badly beat up. Even in Cendrianne...

The hobgoblins back then had started lootin' the town aft'r their orgy of violence. They had run 'round and caught and killed anyone or anything they could get their claws on. I saw my neighbours dragged from their hidin' places kickin' and screamin' before they were killed. There were a couple who tried resistin' but it didn't do them much good. Once they couldn't find any elves or eladrian to kill, they moved on to horses and other animals in their frenzy.

They found the wine cellars and promptly got themselves so drunk they were just stumblin' around like the townies aft'r a festival. They weren't payin' so much attention to the dead bodies, although they had been mutilatin' a few, so I didn't attract no attention for much of the night.

Seeing an opportunity, I crawled out from under my father and ran through the city and into the woods. My head was spinning so fast that I couldn't think about anythin' other than running. I had escaped the hobgoblin blade that night, but I was far from safe...

I signed this time for fightin' hobgoblins, I'd at least prefer if I died fightin' hobgoblins.. not ghosts or wierd jellies or gnomes or lava thingies.

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