Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bassha Writes

I don't like writing. It is tedious and I have training to do instead. I train to be sure I am ready for the next fight. Not to write on pieces of paper. If I do not train I will get soft, but Emtih told me to try this writing. He writes a lot, but he is a good fighter, but he does not understand self-preservation yet. He is much smaller than me and got really beat up in the last fight we had. I was very worried. It was good that we were able to sleep in the preist's room. Emtih was good at planning how to take down the two crossbowmen we found outside the next morning. He also thought to disguise their corpses, in case any other goblins came. But he should let me and Arel do most of the fighting. He is good at spotting dangers and moving fast. I can spot dangers too, but he has keener senses. I think this makes him a strange little fellow, always watching for hidden danger. And he likes to jump into things fast. He must learn to size up the ennemy first. In Sword-dancing we try to understand our opponents before pressing them into defense. Some opponents toy with you so you must be able to learn from their moves. Whenever I fight I try to learn from my opponent. It has been good to fight in a group. Before, I fought alone against one person in the circle. Sometimes there were bar fights with more people. Sometimes they were fun, but sometimes not. In a group you can rely on your allies because they have different ways of fighting. Corrin is small but he is like a good shodo. When we are getting beat he drives us to do better. The spellcasters can attack from far away while Arel and I keep them safe. The others also have much knowledge on some of the strange things we have seen. Like the strange glowing writing that kills on touch and the strange glowing painting that the oozey creature came out of. I think we should avoid other glowing things we find. They are a lot of trouble. That is all I want to say now.


  1. Great to see Bassha write an entry. =)

    I particularly enjoyed your comment about bar fights: "Sometimes they were fun, but sometimes not."
