Friday, April 24, 2009

Emtih's Journal

So, its off on another adventure I guess. Not really one of my choosing although I am satisfied somewhat with the results so far.

We really should stop going into tav'rns. Stuff always happens to us when we go there. Fortunately this time nuthin' got burned down but instead we got hooked into this mission to go off to some faraway city to battle some army of orc or something. I wasn't really payin' attention but I figured that with those fellas Corrin, And, Bassha and Arel would probably be lost before they lost sight of Brindol if I weren't 'round.

So we rode off into the morning sun. Cendrianne (my horse if you remember me sayin' so before) was acting all weird the morning we left Brindol but I tried to ignore it. She seems to have some weird sixth sense sort of thing goin' and is pretty smart for a horse so I figure that means this isn't goin' ta be so straightforward a task.

Sure enough, we gets a glimpse of the city that we're heading to, Oversight, or something like that... doesn't matter what the city is called I figure its just another juicy target for invading armies. How many times do I gotta say this, building massive cities is just an invitation for some marauding armies to knock 'em off.

Anyways, so we gets within sight of of the city and then we're attacked by this band of orcs led by a goblin cleric. At first, the chief orc or something, he ineptly throws this axe that goes soaring over the whole lot of us. I thought it was a joke or something, so I dismount and send Cendrianne away laughing all the way. Then we're ambushed by the goblin on top of a ridge, and orcs down below. I get hit a couple times but go weaving through the battlefield until I reach the top of the ridge where the goblin is. With just him and me we done did battle on top of the ridge until Dave (this fella we were travelling with from Brindol) showed up. Then And popped to the top of the ridge (i swear it still freaks me out when she appears out of nowhere likes that) and blasted him some too.

I guess the battle down belows went well and the orcs all found their souls divorced from their bodies pretty quickly. Dave and Joe (Dave's friend) both died in the battle though. Terrible shame I'm telling ya.

Finally, with the goblin near death Arel (that kill-joy) came to the top of the ridge and the goblin done surrendered. I then had a moral dilemna: do I kill the goblin and disappoint Arel? Or do I not kill the goblin? Ultimately I figur'd that Arel seems like the good sort and I think he wanted to interrogate the goblin r something.

I'll just kill the goblin later when no one is looking.

- Emtih Tnod, Freyr 21

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Upcoming Event - Febtober 2 at the Laughing Manticore

Dear readers,
So many of you have contacted me to express your excitement at reading Issue 4 of The Aeviternal Adventures of Corrin Kheldar. Following Kheldar as his band of adventurers rescued Brindol’s kidnapped citizens, recovered the city’s treasured artifacts, and fought there way through waves of hobbledehoy hobgoblins, fissiparous fiends, and unguiculate undead, jectigating jellies, and battling the dapocaginous (and jaculiferous) drakes as they led the rescuees back to Brindol, the favourite moments you have picked out are as varied as the adventures I chronicle. For some, nothing is greater than Corrin’s shouting encouragement at just the right times, his force of will alone keeping his allies in the fight. For others it is his own ability to strike at foes, smashing them into his cohorts’ arms, or smiting them in vital organs. For others still, Corrin’s skills, jamming traps and doors, or calming rescued prisoners are the cause of most amazement. Whatever draws you in to these aeviternal adventures, if you thought you were excited to read them adventures, get ready for even more! Corrin himself will be at the Laughing Manticore in Brindol, the site of the beginning of this most recent adventure, on the second day of Febtober. He will read from, and sign copies of, Issue 4. He might even have a few words to say about the Emissary…. I hope to see you all there!~Biloquy Barnard

The Next Great Adventure

Many Questions have been solved, Many Questions are as of yet unanswered. It is now clear that the Attack on Brindol was not some random raid but had a purpose. Was it really as simple as reuniting the red hand or was more at stake? Was Sinruth being groomed for greater things or was he just an unwilling pawn in some greater schema? Who is the Emissary? What is the Emissary? Is there even an emissary at all? If there is, does he prefer apples or oranges?

Ah but it seems like you have time to ponder these these questions as the past month and a half has been unexpectedly quiet. Work is almost complete on the repairs to the city. The dead have been buried and people have moved on with their lives. And you have been doing well for yourselves with your new found fame.

You knew it could never last. Something unsettling has been nagging at the back of your mind. You try to go on with your daily life, like you did before the attack but ….... but your not sure what.

You made your choice, you went to Rivenroar, you rescued the hostages and now your life in inevitably tangled up in the threads of fate. You are being pulled steadily onwards towards some unknown goal with no way of escape in site. Soon you will leave you home, traveling on to your next great adventure at

The Siege of Bordrin's Watch

If only you had taken the blue pill.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Arel's new sword

Hmmm, I quite like my new sword. It's high quality and looks good. After my practices today, I'm pretty sure that my divine forces have no problem with it.

I don't really care what others think about it. If it has some evil forces or anything I would be more than happy to challenge them but I'm sure it's just a sword, how good or bad it is depends on how I use it. Every evil thing/person can return to the good side if treated appropriately. That's why I like to intimidate hobgoblins instead of killing them (undeads are a different story though).

I have to admit that I wish it had some holy symbols. I'll see what I can do about that.

Andraste's thoughts

Well, its finally come around to me! I mean, I've been on this adventure, and I've only now been able to write in this journal! Although, I can't blame it entirely on my colleagues, I have been rather distracted by several shinny new finds. After all, what's a girl to do?

So, let me take this opportunity to introduce myself; an Eladrin Warlock, who lucky made a pact with some interesting Fey spirits around the same time that Red Hand moved in and destroyed my family. Emtih lived in the same area, but I will always look back at that time with joy rather than pain as he does. The spirits that graced me with the power I now possess saved me from the fate he experianced. Since the loss of my family, I've been surviving on the streets. You could say I have an eye for anything (and I mean ANYTHING) that would sell. You name it, and I'll take it for you, whether you want it taken or not ;) this quaility probably got me into the thieves guild in brindol too.

The last few days have been interesting - firstly, because I've finally been allowed to see the extent of the power from the fey pact I made several years ago. I don't think I could have imagined the destruction contained within my 'Eladrin Blast' before this. Sadly for the hobgoblins, (great for Emtih) the loss of limbs was only too easy for me. It's really brought into light my abilities. It would be safe to say that if anyone crosses me now, aggrevates me, or tells undisclosed lies regarding myself or any one of my new firends better be prepared for the consequences. Death has an ability to allow for the detachment of emtions.
Secondly, full respect goes to my fellow adventures. Even though we were only working together for a few days, they displayed great grace of character, and true spirit of valour to get to the end goal and save those poor people that Sinruth took. They have all grown in my eyes to be great potential friends.

But now, let's be frank. I went on this adventure for the loot, and I'm very happy to report that I manged to get my paws on some really juciy bits of jewellry, armour, wepons (and I'm shamelessly going to keep the pact dagger for myself), gems, and some extra bonus's of candels, bitumen tourches, and um....I think a new note book.

So, if you're looking for something, it's likely I have it. Or, I can just steal it for you ;)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Arnie's First Draft

Arnold has left town looking for adventure. He mentions that he might see you all again when he is in need of help but he doubts that it will be soon. As he leaves he gives the party a satchel to leave with the Congo Red merchants. He can't do it himself since has been asked not to enter the store again because of some recent "unpleasantness". If you decide to look in the satchel this is what you find.

To Red Army Press Publishers,

My name is Arnold Sol, wizard extraordinaire and currently an adventurer in the party known as the Champions of Justice.

I have perused your selection of adventure stories since you officially were added to Congo Red's catalog and find that though there is much to choose from the quality is left to be desired. Though I love "Epic Adventures!: The Amazing Adventures of Congo Red and the League of Justice", most of your stories are nothing more than re-hashes of EA!: AAoCRatLoJ. I understand the need to hue close to the original source material but some of your work is nothing short of derivative.

Therefore I have decided to send you the first draft of my manuscript entitled: Arnold Sol and the Champions of Justice: The Blight of Brindol (working title). This work is based on the journal of my adventurers, and I think will greatly increase your sales and the quality of your readership.


Arnold Sol, wizard extraordinaire

PS. Due to the popularity of my adventures some unscrupulous individuals may contact you trying to publish alternative accounts of what happened in Brindol. These, sir, are fakes and do not deserve your valuable time.


Chapter 1: Into the Fire

The wind billowing around his glowing robes Arnold gestured subtly the room exploding into a flash of light as fire erupted in the tavern. Deftly targeting, his spell engulfed the maruading hobgoblins. As the disgusting creatures burned one screamed:

“I will not die alone!!” And dragged an iinocent peasent into the fire with him. Corrin ran to safe him but was not quick enough. “No!!” he screamed seeing the dead peasnat. “If only I could have saved him.”

Arnold consoled the halfling. “It was not your fault. Such are the vagaries of war,” he looked resoultely at the carnage that was wrought by the goblinoid horde “But with Radu as my witness they will pay, they will pay!”


“Help!! Save me Arnold!” screamed And as the ogre hurled the containers at the burning town.

“No worries, stand back!” The flaming sphere materialized into the middle of the containers exploding the carriage in a massive fireball and destroyed the containers as well as the ogre. “Take tha!” Arnold yelled at the remaining goblins who fled in fear.

“My hero,” And said admirilingly.


Chapter 3: Into the Temple of Evil


The hooded figures shot at the Dragonborn but the arrows did little damage. Swinging his swords the fighter hit the figure who then suddenly disappeared. “What happened,” bellowed Basha.

“Gnomes,” Arnold muttered under his breath. “Why does it always have to be gnomes?”.


Chapter 8: Into the Belly of the Beast


“Stand back friends” Arnold warned as the creature smashed against the invisible forcefield. “It is a Chaos Demon!”.

Suddenly a hobgoblin came into the room and pressed a button close to the door. The demon screamed and began to move to Aurel. “No!!” the paladin screamed “Please don't hurt me!”

Using his quick thinking Arnold used his telekinesis to press the button again. Suddenly the demon was split in two, half of his body lying outside of the field.

“Looks like he's having a splitting headache” Arnodl quipped.

“Hahaa, Arnold,” Aurel said as he and the rest of the party laughed heartily. “You really crack me up!”


Chapter 11: Caught Red Handed


Sindruth then quickly incapacitated the two dragonborn who had tried to flank him. With amazing speed and agility he outran the warlock and with one blow had her bleeding on the ground. Lastly, Emtih used his twin swords to slow him down but the massive goblinoid flung him across the room knocking the elf unconscious.

“Now it is just you and me wekaling,” the chieftain snarled.

This was his moment, all alone with his friends hurt. Arnold had to do something. The most powerfull spell he could only perform was the scorching burst spell but that would not even slow down the brute.

“If I reverse the the redirection powers...” he muttered as he looked at the War Staff of the High Mage of Rivenroor. “That might work!”

As Sindruth approached him the fighter stopped in his tracks and grimaced in pain, the grimace turned into a scream as he cried out and then fell to the ground.


Chapter 12: Epilogue

As the cheering died down and the town's people left to celebrate at the local taverns, the heroes looked at one another.

“Well I am off,” Arnie stated. “It is a big world out there and bigger adventures.”

“We will miss you,” Corrin said. “But I have one question. How did you defeat the Sindruth? You had used your most powerful spells before”

“Well,” Arnie explained. “This staff has the power to increase the area of some of my attacks. While studying the mechanism I found a way to reverse it. To narrow the radius so that it is so small that it can destroy just a tiny part of a person, even inside a person. So essentially I fireballed one of his veins.”

“Brilliant!” Corrin exclaimed as the brilliant wizard Arnold Sol walked out into the world looking for adventure.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Who is that deaf/mute paladin?

Well, I'm Nima and I work in cathedral of Brindol. After the ceremony yesterday, almost everyone in Brindol have asked me who that mute paladin is and I'm really tired of telling the story again and again so I will just write it down.

It's not hard for me to imagine how people have failed to socialize with him in the ceremony, if you talk to him (specially if you are drunk) all you will get is angry/kind look (depending on how much he likes you and your gender of course :D ) and if you are a child maybe even a smile.

Arel doesn't really like to talk about his past, in fact, he doesn't like to talk at all. Btw, I have gathered all these information in the past few months that he has been here in very short chats that we had. Arel has been born in a far far city. His father is a senior dragon born paladin who had lots of plans for his young son. Arel's trainings in religion started as soon as he started talking. Laters, he learnt some fighting skills and basics of diplomacy. Being the only son of the senior paladin, he has always got exaggerated feedbacks from everyone about how great he is and he is always dreaming about being a great paladin like his father.

On the negative side, all Arel knows about his life is that he is supposed to serve the 'good'. He had never had the time to think about what that 'good' is. He is not intelligent enough to think about hard questions like this and he really doesn't need to. All he really needs is respect from the others and he gets that with what he is doing right now anyways.

A few years ago, like any other adult male creature, he found it difficult to live with his father in the same area. He believes that his father was humiliating him during his trainings (and he didn't liked it, specially when other paladins where around). All his requests for giving him a serious mission to serve the people got rejected by the council of paladins (guess who's behind that, his father had a nice influence there). Finally he decided that it's the time for him to proof himself. A couple of oracles helped him to predict that there is a good chance that the Red Hand repeats its attack and kill many people in Brindol and that's how he ended up here with a burning desire to serve the 'good' and proof himself (yeah, it's not deja vu, you have read this before in starwars :D) .

And a few words about his character: He is extermely anti-social. He doesn't really care about others and he thinks of them as a bunch of sheeps that he is supposed to protect. He doesn't like to have other people telling him what to do. He is not a big fan of strategic wars. He thinks that brave and honourable fighters (like himself of course) just charge into the fight and get the thing done. Specially when someone needs help, all that he knows is that he must be there, even if this results in his death.

As I said before, he just assumes that all the new peoples he meets are a bunch of weak guys (this doesn't necessary mean weakness in their fighting abilities) but once he trusts someone, he will do everything for him/her. Finally, if you are doing anything 'bad' or 'evil' make sure that he is not around.

So, that's all I know about the Paladin who seems to be one of the heros of our city (at least for a while). If you had any questions you know where to find me and please make sure he won't read this. I'm sure he wouldn't like it at all.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Emtih's Journal

I tell you, there's nothing more satisfying than returning from a successful hunt. When you're on a hunt, find your prey, kill it and make it back safe there's no better feeling in the world.

Unless of course, you're returning to Brindol. Where they fete you and celebrate by drinking themselves into a stupor for three nights in a row. Don't these people re'alize that getting themselves a'piss drunk was what got us into trouble in the first place? I swear, sometimes I wonder if I prefer the company of goblins to townies... at least I can kill the goblins and no one will mind.

Only thing worse than stupid townies is stupid townie leaders. So we gets back to town and there the leaders are all a'waitin for us with bated breath. We gets led to them and they goes on this big sermon abouts how great and wonderful we are. Arnie really got into it too, which made me sad, I was hoping the whole experience would make him realize that this is not just a game that you play with your friends once a week for fun. But it seems like he still can't think of it as anything else.

Their dam fool town guard is scattered all abouts searchin' for more goblins. I suppose they want to find the goblins but it leaves them vulnerable to more attacks! If I were the goblins I'd be picking off their scouting parties one at a time to reduce the strength damn fool town guard. Not that any of those clueless good-fer-nothings could find their way through the wilderness even. I'll bet half of 'em are lost somewhere in the woods and can't find their ways back. Good as dead, I'll say.

On the other hand, they might actually find some goblins... in which case.. I might want to join up and give 'em a hand. I guess I could put up with some of the damn fools for a bit if it meant getting the chance to kill some goblins.

That boy, the town guard captain's son, he's got some anger in him, I could sense it all the way back from the castle. He blames the goblins and rightly so, they killed his father. Perhaps he will learn the ways of the warrior and become stronger and more powerful than even his father. Maybe I should check in on 'im from time to time and give 'im a few pointers on how to use sharp pointy things. Key thing is that the pointy end goes in the other guy.

-Emtih Tnod

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Troubleing letter

Well perhaps this should have been poasted first but i guess a Prequel will have to do.

Sinruth was a hobgoblin with greater aspirations than a life spent preying on the fringes of civilization. He listened closely at the campfires when his fathers and uncles told tales of the Red Hand of Doom, a mighty army that ran across the land like a scythe. And when he became an adult and a leader of his own band of hobgoblins, he found a cache of tunics and weapons left behind by that army. Sinruth felt his destiny calling. He declared himself the new Warlord of Sinruth’s Hand (as he named the group), emblazoned every possible surface with a crudely painted, downward thrusting red hand insignia, and set about recruiting the massive army that he felt was his birthright.

But starting an army isn’t as easy as those campfire
tales led Sinruth to believe. Years passed with Sinruth’s band eking out a meager existence in the wilderness. But slowly, he started to gain allies. A temporary bargain with some sinister, mischievous gnomes blossomed into a lasting friendship. The Red Hand’s exploration of the mountains unearthed some undisturbed catacombs beneath the long-ruined Castle Rivenroar. Sinruth struck another bargain, and the undead guardians let the Red Hand move in, in exchange for periodic payment of kidnapped prisoners.

And then The Letter

Brave Sinruth,

The Red Hand will rise again! The other remnants take great cheer in your recent attacks on commerce coming into The Blight That is Brindol.

We’re particularly pleased with your ability to inspire a fighting spirit in others, whether they have true goblin blood or merely wish they did. To be blunt, we think you should have many more soldiers under your command.
Many, many more.

And recent events have rendered some remnants leaderless. With a bold stroke on your part, the remnants would rally to the Red Hand you so proudly display.

As your bold stroke, do this: Attack the The Blight That is Brindol by night. Focus your efforts on their Hall of Great Valor, for it mocks the many hard-won victories by the first Red Hand of Doom. Take from them the spoils
of war they shamelessly hang on their walls and bring those antiques back to Rivenroar.

Do this before the moon is next full. And with regard to your previous question, turning over captives to your unliving allies at Rivenroar is perfectly acceptable. War sometimes makes strange bedfellows, and we appreciate
how you’ve united such disparate forces under your banner. Whatever prisoners you take from Rivenroar you can
give to the wight.

Fight with the valor of your ancestors, Sinruth. And keep your hands stained red with the blood of the weak! I will visit you again next month, at a time of my choosing.

The Emissary

Power, Wealth, A Grand Army obeying his every desire! He would have it all, if anyone could bring back the glory days of the hand it would be him.

And now you know the rest of the story...............or do you?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The emissary marched down the hallway, the light from his torch scattering shadows on the walls as he passed. The dungeon had been largely been looted and plundered but he held out some slight hope that the leader of the newly revived Red Hand would still be alive.

His hopes were misplaced.

The body of the unusually large and brawny goblin had been mutilated and positioned in ways too offensive for words to describe. Stuffed inside his mouth was a sheet of paper, obviously left by whomever had killed the Red Hand leader and plundered the dungeon.

To whom it may concern,

We regret to inform you that the person you are seeking is unavailable at this time to continue on his half-witted campaign. As you may have already realized, there is also vacancy at this dungeon that you would be ill-advised to re-fill, unless of course, you have magical artifacts that would be of use to us. In which case, we strongly encourage you to find some more dupes to set up camp in this dungeon and be slaughtered helplessly before our blades.

In all seriousness, please let this be a reminder to you that the city of Brindol does not take kindly to attacks on its territory. If you continue your provocative attacks we assure you that we don't have money, but what we do have is a particular set of skills, skills honed over relatively long careers, skills that make us a nightmare for people like you. If you disappear now that will be the end of it, but if you don't, we will hunt for you, we will find you, and we will kill you.

Good luck.

Cendrianne says 'hello'.

Those whom you should fear the most.

The emissary crumpled the paper and tossed it to one side of the room. These fools did not know who or what power they were challenging. But they were a threat that must be dealt with. If you kill the head of the snake, the body will die, and these adventurers were the head of the Brindol snake. Next time, they would not settle for a 'demonstration' of their power but would need a more forceful action that would kill the adventurers and break Brindol's spirit. But first they would have to find these adventurers...

"Sir, we found one alive," the emissary's escort said, bringing him back from the abstract future to the present. "He was tied to the altar in the chapel."

In was dragged the barely living body of a beaten, starved and diseased gnome who looked almost as bad as he smelled.

"Bring him with us, I may have use for him," the emissary smiled thinking about the pain he would make these impudent adventurers feel for their defiance. "They have taken their revenge, but it is we who shall emerge victorious."