Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Andraste's thoughts

Well, its finally come around to me! I mean, I've been on this adventure, and I've only now been able to write in this journal! Although, I can't blame it entirely on my colleagues, I have been rather distracted by several shinny new finds. After all, what's a girl to do?

So, let me take this opportunity to introduce myself; an Eladrin Warlock, who lucky made a pact with some interesting Fey spirits around the same time that Red Hand moved in and destroyed my family. Emtih lived in the same area, but I will always look back at that time with joy rather than pain as he does. The spirits that graced me with the power I now possess saved me from the fate he experianced. Since the loss of my family, I've been surviving on the streets. You could say I have an eye for anything (and I mean ANYTHING) that would sell. You name it, and I'll take it for you, whether you want it taken or not ;) this quaility probably got me into the thieves guild in brindol too.

The last few days have been interesting - firstly, because I've finally been allowed to see the extent of the power from the fey pact I made several years ago. I don't think I could have imagined the destruction contained within my 'Eladrin Blast' before this. Sadly for the hobgoblins, (great for Emtih) the loss of limbs was only too easy for me. It's really brought into light my abilities. It would be safe to say that if anyone crosses me now, aggrevates me, or tells undisclosed lies regarding myself or any one of my new firends better be prepared for the consequences. Death has an ability to allow for the detachment of emtions.
Secondly, full respect goes to my fellow adventures. Even though we were only working together for a few days, they displayed great grace of character, and true spirit of valour to get to the end goal and save those poor people that Sinruth took. They have all grown in my eyes to be great potential friends.

But now, let's be frank. I went on this adventure for the loot, and I'm very happy to report that I manged to get my paws on some really juciy bits of jewellry, armour, wepons (and I'm shamelessly going to keep the pact dagger for myself), gems, and some extra bonus's of candels, bitumen tourches, and um....I think a new note book.

So, if you're looking for something, it's likely I have it. Or, I can just steal it for you ;)


  1. Looting, plundering, these are a few of your favourite things...

  2. When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when she's feeling sad...

    I'm sad that you two are going away :(
