Monday, April 20, 2009

Arnie's First Draft

Arnold has left town looking for adventure. He mentions that he might see you all again when he is in need of help but he doubts that it will be soon. As he leaves he gives the party a satchel to leave with the Congo Red merchants. He can't do it himself since has been asked not to enter the store again because of some recent "unpleasantness". If you decide to look in the satchel this is what you find.

To Red Army Press Publishers,

My name is Arnold Sol, wizard extraordinaire and currently an adventurer in the party known as the Champions of Justice.

I have perused your selection of adventure stories since you officially were added to Congo Red's catalog and find that though there is much to choose from the quality is left to be desired. Though I love "Epic Adventures!: The Amazing Adventures of Congo Red and the League of Justice", most of your stories are nothing more than re-hashes of EA!: AAoCRatLoJ. I understand the need to hue close to the original source material but some of your work is nothing short of derivative.

Therefore I have decided to send you the first draft of my manuscript entitled: Arnold Sol and the Champions of Justice: The Blight of Brindol (working title). This work is based on the journal of my adventurers, and I think will greatly increase your sales and the quality of your readership.


Arnold Sol, wizard extraordinaire

PS. Due to the popularity of my adventures some unscrupulous individuals may contact you trying to publish alternative accounts of what happened in Brindol. These, sir, are fakes and do not deserve your valuable time.


Chapter 1: Into the Fire

The wind billowing around his glowing robes Arnold gestured subtly the room exploding into a flash of light as fire erupted in the tavern. Deftly targeting, his spell engulfed the maruading hobgoblins. As the disgusting creatures burned one screamed:

“I will not die alone!!” And dragged an iinocent peasent into the fire with him. Corrin ran to safe him but was not quick enough. “No!!” he screamed seeing the dead peasnat. “If only I could have saved him.”

Arnold consoled the halfling. “It was not your fault. Such are the vagaries of war,” he looked resoultely at the carnage that was wrought by the goblinoid horde “But with Radu as my witness they will pay, they will pay!”


“Help!! Save me Arnold!” screamed And as the ogre hurled the containers at the burning town.

“No worries, stand back!” The flaming sphere materialized into the middle of the containers exploding the carriage in a massive fireball and destroyed the containers as well as the ogre. “Take tha!” Arnold yelled at the remaining goblins who fled in fear.

“My hero,” And said admirilingly.


Chapter 3: Into the Temple of Evil


The hooded figures shot at the Dragonborn but the arrows did little damage. Swinging his swords the fighter hit the figure who then suddenly disappeared. “What happened,” bellowed Basha.

“Gnomes,” Arnold muttered under his breath. “Why does it always have to be gnomes?”.


Chapter 8: Into the Belly of the Beast


“Stand back friends” Arnold warned as the creature smashed against the invisible forcefield. “It is a Chaos Demon!”.

Suddenly a hobgoblin came into the room and pressed a button close to the door. The demon screamed and began to move to Aurel. “No!!” the paladin screamed “Please don't hurt me!”

Using his quick thinking Arnold used his telekinesis to press the button again. Suddenly the demon was split in two, half of his body lying outside of the field.

“Looks like he's having a splitting headache” Arnodl quipped.

“Hahaa, Arnold,” Aurel said as he and the rest of the party laughed heartily. “You really crack me up!”


Chapter 11: Caught Red Handed


Sindruth then quickly incapacitated the two dragonborn who had tried to flank him. With amazing speed and agility he outran the warlock and with one blow had her bleeding on the ground. Lastly, Emtih used his twin swords to slow him down but the massive goblinoid flung him across the room knocking the elf unconscious.

“Now it is just you and me wekaling,” the chieftain snarled.

This was his moment, all alone with his friends hurt. Arnold had to do something. The most powerfull spell he could only perform was the scorching burst spell but that would not even slow down the brute.

“If I reverse the the redirection powers...” he muttered as he looked at the War Staff of the High Mage of Rivenroor. “That might work!”

As Sindruth approached him the fighter stopped in his tracks and grimaced in pain, the grimace turned into a scream as he cried out and then fell to the ground.


Chapter 12: Epilogue

As the cheering died down and the town's people left to celebrate at the local taverns, the heroes looked at one another.

“Well I am off,” Arnie stated. “It is a big world out there and bigger adventures.”

“We will miss you,” Corrin said. “But I have one question. How did you defeat the Sindruth? You had used your most powerful spells before”

“Well,” Arnie explained. “This staff has the power to increase the area of some of my attacks. While studying the mechanism I found a way to reverse it. To narrow the radius so that it is so small that it can destroy just a tiny part of a person, even inside a person. So essentially I fireballed one of his veins.”

“Brilliant!” Corrin exclaimed as the brilliant wizard Arnold Sol walked out into the world looking for adventure.


  1. you have way too much time on your hands

    Good job

  2. HAHA! Oh my goodness.. that was priceless!

  3. oh my! Kafui, you've started a war.

  4. Well, first of all I'm Arel not Aurel. Please fix that as might need to search myself laters in the blog (unless you have done it on purpose).

    And about the post, that's hilarious. Arel won't be tempted to read the notes but if someone tells him what's there he will be really pissed off since he is doing all these adventures for getting the respect and reputation.

  5. I'm going to let you finish this statement 'hell has no furry....'

    I can assure you that And will be playing come Thursday.

  6. Oh, I can assure you that And would read it. She'd look in the bag to see if she could pocket something - sorry!

    And yes, she would be annoyed.

    Thursday is going to be GREAT! I can't wait. Kafui, this is BRILLIANT :)

  7. Yeah, Aurel was an old character played by Jack. He got dropped nearly every combat. Eventually he was replaced by Generic the Cleric.
