Friday, April 17, 2009

Emtih's Journal

I tell you, there's nothing more satisfying than returning from a successful hunt. When you're on a hunt, find your prey, kill it and make it back safe there's no better feeling in the world.

Unless of course, you're returning to Brindol. Where they fete you and celebrate by drinking themselves into a stupor for three nights in a row. Don't these people re'alize that getting themselves a'piss drunk was what got us into trouble in the first place? I swear, sometimes I wonder if I prefer the company of goblins to townies... at least I can kill the goblins and no one will mind.

Only thing worse than stupid townies is stupid townie leaders. So we gets back to town and there the leaders are all a'waitin for us with bated breath. We gets led to them and they goes on this big sermon abouts how great and wonderful we are. Arnie really got into it too, which made me sad, I was hoping the whole experience would make him realize that this is not just a game that you play with your friends once a week for fun. But it seems like he still can't think of it as anything else.

Their dam fool town guard is scattered all abouts searchin' for more goblins. I suppose they want to find the goblins but it leaves them vulnerable to more attacks! If I were the goblins I'd be picking off their scouting parties one at a time to reduce the strength damn fool town guard. Not that any of those clueless good-fer-nothings could find their way through the wilderness even. I'll bet half of 'em are lost somewhere in the woods and can't find their ways back. Good as dead, I'll say.

On the other hand, they might actually find some goblins... in which case.. I might want to join up and give 'em a hand. I guess I could put up with some of the damn fools for a bit if it meant getting the chance to kill some goblins.

That boy, the town guard captain's son, he's got some anger in him, I could sense it all the way back from the castle. He blames the goblins and rightly so, they killed his father. Perhaps he will learn the ways of the warrior and become stronger and more powerful than even his father. Maybe I should check in on 'im from time to time and give 'im a few pointers on how to use sharp pointy things. Key thing is that the pointy end goes in the other guy.

-Emtih Tnod


  1. or maybe the counsel understands something you do not.

  2. Probably. =)

    Emtih has something of a one-track mind and would probably disagree with the council's plans no matter what. Remember that he blames Cendrianne's town council partly for what happened there so he's inclined to believe that anything that any town council does is a bad idea. Unless of course, their plans involve him killing goblins.. then its a great plan.

  3. Eric, did you read A Song of Ice and Fire?

  4. Not at all, given my time constraints imposed by my studies i haven't read anything for years. I'll google it.
