Friday, April 24, 2009

Emtih's Journal

So, its off on another adventure I guess. Not really one of my choosing although I am satisfied somewhat with the results so far.

We really should stop going into tav'rns. Stuff always happens to us when we go there. Fortunately this time nuthin' got burned down but instead we got hooked into this mission to go off to some faraway city to battle some army of orc or something. I wasn't really payin' attention but I figured that with those fellas Corrin, And, Bassha and Arel would probably be lost before they lost sight of Brindol if I weren't 'round.

So we rode off into the morning sun. Cendrianne (my horse if you remember me sayin' so before) was acting all weird the morning we left Brindol but I tried to ignore it. She seems to have some weird sixth sense sort of thing goin' and is pretty smart for a horse so I figure that means this isn't goin' ta be so straightforward a task.

Sure enough, we gets a glimpse of the city that we're heading to, Oversight, or something like that... doesn't matter what the city is called I figure its just another juicy target for invading armies. How many times do I gotta say this, building massive cities is just an invitation for some marauding armies to knock 'em off.

Anyways, so we gets within sight of of the city and then we're attacked by this band of orcs led by a goblin cleric. At first, the chief orc or something, he ineptly throws this axe that goes soaring over the whole lot of us. I thought it was a joke or something, so I dismount and send Cendrianne away laughing all the way. Then we're ambushed by the goblin on top of a ridge, and orcs down below. I get hit a couple times but go weaving through the battlefield until I reach the top of the ridge where the goblin is. With just him and me we done did battle on top of the ridge until Dave (this fella we were travelling with from Brindol) showed up. Then And popped to the top of the ridge (i swear it still freaks me out when she appears out of nowhere likes that) and blasted him some too.

I guess the battle down belows went well and the orcs all found their souls divorced from their bodies pretty quickly. Dave and Joe (Dave's friend) both died in the battle though. Terrible shame I'm telling ya.

Finally, with the goblin near death Arel (that kill-joy) came to the top of the ridge and the goblin done surrendered. I then had a moral dilemna: do I kill the goblin and disappoint Arel? Or do I not kill the goblin? Ultimately I figur'd that Arel seems like the good sort and I think he wanted to interrogate the goblin r something.

I'll just kill the goblin later when no one is looking.

- Emtih Tnod, Freyr 21

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